Hi there, I have purchase one of the hives and just introduced bees in it. Will post later. I like all the idea about the HIIVE and it looks like that bees too. I am only afraid of the “old beekeepers”, that live around, as I am not sure how I would full fill legal requirement for inspectable brood chamber.
Would that mean that I have to remove hempf insulation to get to small inspection windows? Does anyone have to do it? Did anyone had an dispute with national veterinary? Did you guys from HIIVE discuss that with them? I just want to be ready for argument when it comes. as I am sure that some of those old beekeepers will come to argue.
Happy Bee keeping.
Dear Sisel666,
it is not necessary to remove the hemp wool to access the small viewing window of the brood chamber. I would not do it because it affects the technology of the HIIVE such as insulation and moisture circulation. For example, you can remove the outer cover of the HIIVE and then remove the top dome. The breeding chamber can then be pulled out of the HIIVE and placed on the floor. This gives you access to the small inspection windows and you can use a wooden spatula or spoon to take a sample from the hive (e.g. honey near the brood chamber). Once you have taken the sample, you can put the brood chamber back into the HIIVE, close the top lid and replace the outer protective layer. I think with the help of this information you can deal with the old beekeeper and be safe from the state veterinary office.
If you want to learn more about how HIIVE works, I recommend you visit the HIIVE website https://www.hiive.eu/en/index.php/product/.
and HIIVE’s Instagram account (hiive_official). I hope this information is helpful. If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help answer any further questions about HIIVE in the future.
Yours sincerely
Hi Sinan, I forgot already that it is possible to pool complete brood chamber. It is long time I build the HIIVE. Thanks for reminder.
But cannot immagine doing that in that 1,7m hight where is the top of my brood chamber. Hope I will not have to do it.
Have a good day.
Hi Sisel666,
On the HIIVE’s website it says that you can use a step stool or something similar to get higher to access the brood chamber more easily. You don’t necessarily need to remove the whole brood chamber for a sample, you just need to open the top viewing window of the brood chamber if it will do. But for this action, I would recommend that one person can hold the brood chamber when it is partially removed, as the weight of the bees and wax will cause the brood chamber to fall down. Perhaps this information could help you in the future.
Kind regards
I agree with what Sinan said. We have already had inspections with the veterinary office in Germany a couple of times - there was never a problem.
We did install a “service pole” of about 30 centimeters in length next to the HIIVE. This allows us to lift the whole HIIVE from the pole onto the lower service pole, so you can get easy access to the brood chamber. Highly recommend this.
Thanks both. Those are good advice.